Navigating the risks of Valentine’s Day
It’s Valentine’s Day later this week and love is in air (apparently). However, an unwanted Valentine’s gesture in the office could lead to awkwardness, discomfort or even legal issues. As an employer, how can you ensure Valentine’s Day passes smoothly?
Last orders to meet deadline to improve your state pension
After a few false starts the government is about to blow the whistle on the end of the extra time granted for you to plug any gaps in your NI record. Why should you bother with this and how much will it cost?
Compensation vs consideration: what’s the difference?
Your business will receive a big payment for a breach of contract committed by a supplier. The supplier has asked for a VAT invoice from you so they can claim input tax on their payment. Is this correct?
Minimise late payment penalties
You still need to pay some of the self-assessment bill that was due on 31 January 2025. As a result, interest will be added to the debt and penalties can follow. What steps can you take to prevent or mitigate them?
Asbestos problem - can a tax break help with the cost?
Asbestos has been discovered during the refurbishment of one of your company’s factories. Environmental waste rules are going make it expensive to remove. How might a tax break mitigate the cost?
Can you claw back enhanced maternity/adoption pay?
If you agree to pay more than the statutory minimum during maternity/adoption leave, can you ask an employee to sign an agreement under which they agree to pay back the enhancement in certain circumstances?